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What is a Dedicated Server?

A Dedicated Server essentially means a server all to itself, with no other resources shared at all.

UKDirt rent a high specification Dedicated Server from Gaming Deluxe. It is connected to a high speed internet connection (1GB) which is capable of up to 30 car races in rFactor and in Wreckfest 24 car races.
This server is available for use 24 hours a day, running multiple rFactor and Wreckfest servers and available exclusively to UK-Dirt members.

The number of cars in a race on the Dedicated Server depends on the formula racing and race format, but we usually see an average of 20-28 cars in a final. This is a massive improvement on the 13/14 we get when using normal broadband based servers.

This extra performance doesn't come for free. The annual rental comes to £1350-1500 per server, depending on the rental arrangement we can afford at the time. Unfortunately, there isn't a generous sponsor willing to pay for this and make it available free to all. As a result we are currently being funded via donations only.

Facts and Figures

  • There are 39 F1, F2, 38 Saloon and 42 Banger meetings in 2020, not including any special events, without racing in any other leagues.
  • For the racing junkies racing in every league, every week night (Feb-Nov) not even including the Winter Series, it would cost you less than 10p a meeting if you were to donate £15 to help fund the running costs.
  • Add to this the fact that there are bound to be extra 'one-off' meetings, and almost unlimited practice at no extra cost, the value just increases.

So what are you waiting for? Sign up now and get racing!!!

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