Website Registration

Website Registration
Register an account on
- Please note an account wont be activated without a full address entered. - Click on the link in the confirmation email.
Wait for account to be approved and activated.
- Approval could take 1-2 days, depending on the time/date registered.
Register an account on
- Please use the same username as the one chosen on the UKDirt website, this will speed up the activation process. -
Click on the link in the confirmation email.
- Accounts wont be activated if you don't click the link in the confirmation email. -
If your account hasn't been activated post in the Validating Members section requesting activation.
Join our Discord server
- Please use the same username as the one chosen on the UKDirt website / Forum, this will speed up the activation process. - Wait for your account to be upgraded to member status.
- Check the applicable Drivers List in the League Information section to see if the number you want to use is available.
- Ensure you are logged in and go to the Member Options menu where you will find Number Registration.
Tick the box for the formula you want to register a number, enter the number in the box and enter your password.
- If you get a duplicate entry error this is due to the number already being registered, if so please choose another number.
- Make sure you have followed the instructions in the registering a race number section.
- Ensure you are logged in and go to Member Options > Bookings > Book In To Race.
- Tick the radio button for the meeting you want to book in for, fill in your password and click the Book In button.
- rFactor practice servers are usually up all week (1 each for F1s, F2s and Saloons).
- Make sure to check the Connecting to an rFactor server guide under League Information > Dedicated Server > rFactor Server.
- Join a practice server prior to the meeting to make sure you have all the correct mods/skinpacks installed.
- Use the practice sessions to get used to the track and how to drive the car you are using.
- Check the League Information > League Rules section to familiarize yourself with the rules, including the starting procedure for the mod you are racing.
- Make sure to check the forum for the Meeting Information which is posted before the meeting.
- Familiarize yourself with the server IPs, as these will not be fully listed on the Meeting Info or in Discord.
- All F1, F2, Saloon and Banger meetings start at 8.30pm.
- Join the Discord server by at least 8.20pm and watch the race-meeting-chat section, this is where the heats will be called and where you will be sent to the server from.
For rFactor Installation details please head to Downloads > rFactor > Installation Guide
Game Installation - Wreckfest (Bangers)For Wreckfest Installation details please head to Downloads > Wreckfest > Installation Guide